Corp Nation Foundation

4R+ Waste Management Initiative

The 4R+ Initiative is a solid waste management initiative that aims at promoting reduce, reuse, recycle and recovery of waste, globally, to build a sound-material-cycle society through the effective use of resources and materials.The ‘+’ constitutes tree planting activities (forestry), environmental quizzes and student clubs purposely to effectively drive the initiative following the commissioning of the initiative at each school. In effect, this proposal seeks to address SD numbers 13. Other related SDGs are SDG 3 (Good health and Well-being), SD 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth) and SDG 17 (Partnership to achieve the goal).

Resources and materials for driving the initiative include subject matter experts, branded and labeled waste bins (to be mounted at vantage points) to aid waste collection and segregation, and practical learning materials such as sample reused and recycled products.

REDUCE, REUSE, RECYCLE and RECOVERY(R) of waste is an acceptable approach to manage waste in an environmentally friendly manner.

The four R’s – reduce, reuse, recycle and recovery – all help to drastically cut down the amount of waste we dispose off. The 4Rs help conserve natural resources, landfill space and energy. Moreover, the 4Rs help save the environment and money that communities use to dispose off and manage waste in landfills. The 4R+ proiect is currently running in five (5) Senior High Schools and five (5) Primary and Junior High Schools, one (1) Tertiary Institution and one central marketplace, in the Western Region of Ghana. Efforts are being made to extend the proiect to the Greater Accra region where Ghana’s capital city Accra) is located and thence to the remaining part of the country and the African continent at large.